

We are excited to offer our members opportunities for education, empowerment and encouragement! We hope to participate in these events in 2024!

Watch for more to come!

AGM 2024

Please contact to RSVP and you will be sent a link for this years AGM.

We will be having elections for seats on the Board and you must be in attendance to vote.

We look forward to seeing you there!

2023 Events our members participated in:


Resilient Minds Online Training Session

Building the Psychological Strength of Fire Fighters

We proudly offer the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) and Vancouver Fire Rescue's Resilient Minds Training. 

When: Sunday April 16th and 23rd, 2023 - 8am-1230p PST

Instructors: Darcie Sibbald, Whistler Fire Rescue & Mary Fischer, Calgary Fire Department

How: Training will be spread out over two dates. 4.5h hours for each ZOOM session.

Attendance at both sessions is mandatory for certification.

Who: Those currently working or volunteering with a Fire Department or in Wildfire. We hope to provide Resilient Minds for those aspiring firefighters in the near future.

Cost: $20 includes the Resilient Minds Manual. Please let us know if cost is a barrier for you. Email

Please check out their website for more information on the Resilient Minds program.


Allyship means the state or condition of being an ally: supportive association with another person or group.

Email if you want further information or to be on the mailing list.


JIBC and FSWBC collaborated to provide an opportunity for women to explore the career of firefighting at the Maple Ridge Campus on November 6th, 2022.

We would like to thank the Justice Institute, along with the following Fire Departments that showed up to share information:

Abbotsford, Burnaby, Langley, North Vancouver, Richmond & Vancouver


OCTOBER 19-23, 2022

Jenn, Mary and Darcie all attended the FSWO Symposium. We are excited about creating our own symposium for 2023.

Forcible Entry - Dynamic Rescue

Twelve women joined Dynamic Rescue Instructors through a course on gaining access through doors, walls and fences.

BC Run for a Cure

Almost forty women joined in the walk to help Cure Cancer and raise almost $10,000 for this incredible cause